3rd year ESO

Topic: Electric and electronic components
Teacher: Sergio García

Of the activities carried out I´d like to write about what we did at the workshop. After four or five guided activities in which the pupils, working in groups of 3-4 people, created the circuits required, we went a step further; I proposed some real situations which could be solved with electronic or electric circuits. So, they had to design and create their own circuits to solve the proposed problem. 

What went well? Why?: I´d say one of the best points of this activity was how they argued to create the circuit, how they assessed the different options and reached agreements. Also, talking about the own subject, Technology, it was a very useful activity: they had to think of what we have learned the last weeks, they made their own designs, they put their it in common with their mates, they worked with real materials and they worked their teamwork skills.  

What would you change if you were to do the tasks again in the future? Why? I think we should have worked previously more with the vocabulary needed in this activity, sometimes I felt they had troubles to use it properly. Also, it could be interesting to have improved the coordination with the English department in order to use the proper grammar.  

Did the tasks actually help the learners develop their thinking skills? How and why? As I wrote previously, they had to think of what we have learned the last weeks, they made their own designs, they put their it in common with their mates, they worked with real materials creating something will have to solve an ordinary problem. 

 4. C for Cognition : 

Students will solve problems of the ordinary life, for example: parking sensor, automatic garage door, etc.

6. Activities:   

- Design, individually, their own circuit. Making a list of the components needed. - Put their idea in common - Discuss what is the best solution - Create the circuit with real components - Make the circuit work properly 

7. Tasks:  

Create an electric or electronic circuit to solve an ordinary life problem.

 10. Resources and materials 
During the sessions the students could consult the textbook, their own notes and some webpages, for example:  
https://www.instructables.com/id/Automatic-Door-Opening-UsingArduino-HRSC04-Ultras/ https://www.instructables.com/id/Controlling-a-Servo-WithUltrasonic-Sensor-Signal-/

3. C for Communication


The vocabulary of this activity is connected to:
- Electricity and Electronic
- Internet
- Computer Programs
- Writing e-mails


Present Simple/Present Continuous
Past Simple/ Past Continuous
When / While Could Used to
Temporal expressions: for/when/after/ before/then, etc.
Present Perfect Ever/never/just Already/yet
Asking for information/opinions: How/ What about + -ing? Why don’t we...? Shall we..
Have to/don’t have to Must/Mustn’t Should
because of/ due to); to –infinitive; for –ing

Language skills  Discourse type
The pupils will mainly practice

-        Writing: they´ll write to create the list, the table, the estimate and the e-mail.
-        Speaking: they are supposed to speak when doing the inventory, deciding the components to buy and finally when discussing how to create the table, estimate and the mail

In the speaking they will use dialogues with a argumentative and persuasive discourse.

In the writing they will use the expository and description.

6. Activities

We continue working with the unit of Electricity and electronic circuits. Pupils have been attending to the theoretical classes in which we have explained, among others, topics such as the components of circuits, Ohm´s Law, etc. After a few visits to the workshop, they have realized we are run out of some of the most used components required for our circuits.
1.- In groups of 4/5 pupils, they will have to make an inventory of the components and write a list of the components needed.
2.- Do an online investigation to find webpages where can be buy them
3.- Create a table, using Word,  in which they will write down information about the webpage and components: name of the shop, internet address,  name and a picture of it, prices…
4.- Using Excel, create an estimate of the money we will need for buying the components.

7. Tasks

For finishing,  the students have to get in touch, by e-mail, with 2 or 3 online shops for asking questions about electric components we need to buy: characteristics of the component, possible discounts, time to deliver, etc.

10. Resources and materials

In this task there aren´t  more resources than the own text book, the Internet and the material of the workshop.
We will use computers and some programs: Word, Excel and web browser.

Topic: Using computers for our projects
Teacher: Elena Herrero

4. C for Cognition

i.     Motivating students, Images are one of the most widely-used elements when we work with a computer. Initial questions: Do you knowtheir properties? Do you know what formats are used to store them? What do you think ppi means?
ii.                Focus attention
iii.       Answering basic questions: what, when, where …?
iv.      Connecting new learning to their own lives, regarding our planet and the The Sustainable Development objetives to protect it
v.        Remembering important facts related to The Sustainable Development Goals
vi.              Creating predictions:
What is going to happen if …?
Compare and contrast: now/future
·        Work out the differences between the following formats: jpg compared to bmp or to gif.
·        Analyse the differences in terms of quality, compression and size of the resultant file.
List the main problems and consequences of the man activity regarding The Sustainable Development Goals
Identify the characteristics of the different formats of video: avi, mpg, mpeg, wmv, flv, …

6. Activities

1.    Identifying the 17 Sustainable Development  Goals to protect the planet.

2.   Initial Questions:
What computer presentation programs have you used?
Is there a similar application for mobile devices? 2
Have you ever used a mobile phone to record yourself on video? How did you do it? Did you edit the video afterwards?
Have you ever used a computer to edit photos? Have you ever edited audio files?
3.      Designing a concept map: show an incomplete conceptual map and ask students to complete the gaps either in their notebook or orally with the whole group.
4.      Designing an idea related to the 3 selected Sustainable Development Goals:
·        Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
·        Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and production
·        Goal 13: Climate action
5.      Using video editors
6.      Producing a video in groups of four people.

7. Tasks

1.      To celebrate International we are going to design a multimedia presentation (video using Powtoon) about one to the next Sustainable Development Goals:
·        Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
·        Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and production
·        Goal 13: Climate action

Our presentation will include different files obtained using our mobile device (photos, audio and video). Next, we will use a series of applications to manipulate these files and prepare the final presentation.

Firstly, we will create a graphic composition in which we are going to mix up a drawing relating to the Sustainable Development Goals (taken with your mobile device).

Secondly, students have to choose an audio file and  it will be manipulated to include introductory music.

They should combine different types of media, such as texts, images, audio and video, and graphics, such as a chart or table, with information about the Sustainable Development Goals.

They have to create a printable version of their work in PDF format, and include an example of augmented reality in their work.

Finally, they will Upload the video to YouTube. 

10. Resources and materials

a.      Video 1: How to use Powtoon

b.      Student’ and teacher’ books

c.      Talking book

d.      Reinforcement Worksheet
Working with video
A video consists of a succession of images accompanied by audio. To modify a video, simply add new images and audio.
There are also video applications that can be used with mobile devices. Start to edit a video using Powtoon, and explain the changes you have made.
The four most common video file formats are avi, mpg/mpeg, wmv and flv. Name their characteristics.

e.      Exams

Use the words to complete the sentences about working with images, audio and video. 
   image    pattern   sampling   memory  license  files
a.       Bitmap images are stored pixel by pixel. The result is a very detailed _________, although it takes up a lot of memory.
b.       Ivoox is an Internet site to download and share _________ free audio.
c.       Avi is a video file format which has excellent quality but very large _________.
d.       A digital image is formed by a _________ of pixels.
e.       High quality audio depends on the frequency of _________.
Choose the correct answer to these questions about augmented reality. 
defined automatic links activator Aurasma              images and views
a.       What do AR applications need so that images, video and text can be superimposed? 
b.       What AR application can be installed in mobile devices?
c.       What do QR codes provide?
d.       What kind of markers are AR activators?
e.       What else can AR activators be?

f.       Presentations

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